
Green Party Taiwan News Release

日期 : 6 / 30 /1997

英國政府正確的下一步 ﹣﹣﹣支持台灣獨立建國

英國政府將於今日(1997630日)午夜將香港之領土主權歸還給中國。雖然目前統治台灣的中華民國政府一再宣稱南京條約的正本在台灣,因此香港的主權屬於中華民國。但是來自台灣的我們 --- 台灣綠黨及綠台協會的代表 --- 卻非常同意英國政府的做法;將香港主權移交給中華人民共和國,原因是中華人民共和國是目前國際社會所承認的中國。因此,我們也要藉此機會,譴責目前統治著台灣,卻號稱代表包括中國大陸在內的全中國的中華民國政府,不要再作這種不知國際情勢的白日夢。




1989年之六四天門事件說明中共政權之不重視人權,而數個月前中國代表還向世界媒體公然說出六四事件無一人受傷、死亡的謊言,更顯出中國政府的恬不知恥。台灣人民更要於此香港主權轉移之時堅定的『向中國說不』。台灣綠色運動者今日向英國表達對歸回香港之正確行動的敬意 。台灣綠色運動者亦希望英國政府能對台灣人民建立台灣國的意志表達支持 , 面對往後中國政府對台灣國際生存空間的可能打壓,適時伸出援手。



 The Next Right Step for the British Government: Supporting Taiwan Independence


The British government will return Hong Kong to China on midnight of June 30, 1997. Although the ruling government of the Taiwan-Republic of China declare that Hong Kong should rightfully belong to China because the original copy of the Nanking Treaty is in Taiwan, we believe that the British government has made the right decision to return Hong Kong to the Peoples Republic of China because China is the China recognized by the international community. We, members of Green Party Taiwan and Green Taiwan Foundation, condemn the government of the Republic of China for their ludicrous assertions of representing all of China, including mainland China.

These ridiculous assertions of the Republic of China within the past fifty years have been the main basis of the KMT governments rule of Taiwan. They also used military rule and party-owned and nationally-owned to control Taiwans economic development and create internal conflict between Taiwanese people to rule Taiwan. Within the last forty years, the Taiwanese peoples opposition movement, in areas like human rights, democracy, environmental protection, and other social issues, have made some progress in Taiwans democracy- and nation-development movement. The KMTs totalitarian style has begun to fade. Progress in Taiwans democracy movement, however, has been accompanied with deteriorating links to an international community fearful of Chinas pressure.

The green movement, including Green Party Taiwan, is not restricted within the boundaries of one nation; we use an ecological world-view to protect the earth. For example, this January, the KMT government declared their interest in exporting nuclear waste to North Korea. Green Party Taiwan persistently opposed this decision, sharing the same position as South Korea and China. Some members of the KMT and Chinese New Party labels us betrayers of Taiwan, but we know that we are in-line with the international green movement, including Greenpeace International. Today, in this time that Hong Kong returns to china, we are here to obtain support from the British government. We hope that the British government will support our efforts for Taiwans inclusion in international community and independence.

The Chinese government continuously pressures Taiwan in the international

community. They insist that they will use military force if the Taiwan government declares Taiwan independent of China. On March 1996, during Taiwans presidential elections, China blatantly tried to employ missiles and military exercises to influence the election outcome. Therefore, in March 1996, during the Chinese military exercises, the Green Party Taiwan organized a small unarmed fleet of ships to enter the military exercise zone to protest Chinas military threats. Of the same token, during Hong Kongs return to China, we come here under the threat of being arrested and expelled by the Chinese government to express the Taiwanese peoples determination to build their own country in the face of Chinas military threats.

The Chinese government clearly does not respect human rights as evident in the 1989 Tiananmen Square incident. Only a few months ago, an official Chinese representative declared that no one was injured or killed in the Tiananmen Square incident. This outrageous declaration clearly shows that the Chinese government can not be trusted. Thus, at this moment that Hong Kong returns to China, we are here to express that we, the Taiwanese people, say no to China. Taiwan green movement activists would like to express our respect to the British government. We whole-heartedly approve of the British governments return of Hong Kong to China. We hope that the British government will take the next right step of recognizing Taiwan in the international community and supporting Taiwan independence.

Green Party Taiwan & Green Taiwan Foundation

June 30, 1997

綠 黨 ( Green Party Taiwan )  

電話: (02) 362-1362, 傳真:(02) 362-1361, E-Mail: gptaiwan@ms10.hinet.net

地址: 台北市羅斯福路三段281號十樓

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