Green Party Taiwan News Release
日期 : 6 / 30 / 1997
香港歸還中國 台灣獨立往前走
6 / 30 / 1997
我們認為中國政府處心積慮處處打壓台灣之國際生存空間,一面以所謂「一國兩制」的糖衣毒藥對台灣進行統戰,一面卻以台灣若宣佈獨立中國將以武力解決台灣的問題進行恐嚇,更於1996年台灣舉行總統大選期間進行飛彈封台及軍事演習,則是十足的帝國主義行徑。正是中國這種帝國主義行徑,使得我們在中國回收香港之日到香港來,舉著「台灣中國,一邊一國」「One Taiwan,One China」的標語參與遊行,表達台灣人民追求台灣獨立自主的決心。
Hong Kong Returns to China; Taiwan Onward to Independence
The Green Movement Statement on Hong Kong's Return to China
Hong Kong will be returned to China by the British government on midnight of June 30. We, members of Green Party Taiwan and the Green Taiwan Foundation, give our best wishes to the Chinese government. Hong Kong, “Pearl of the Orient,” represents the last remnants of the Imperial West’s invasion of China. However, we condemn China’s use of this high-publicity opportunity to declare that the return of Hong Kong and Macau to China precipitate the return of Taiwan.
The Chinese government continuously pressures Taiwan in the international community.
On one hand, they use the so-called “One Nation, Two Systems” as propaganda; on the other hand, they insist that they will use military force if the Taiwan government declares Taiwan independent of China. On March 1996, during Taiwan’s presidential elections, China blatantly tried to employ missiles and military exercises to influence the election outcome. This is a typical imperialist action. Because of this type of imperialist action, we have traveled to Hong Kong to demonstrate under the banner of “One China, One Taiwan” to express our firm belief for an independent Taiwan democracy. The Chinese government has officially declared an array of reasons for its so-called possession of Taiwan.; for example: “Taiwan has always belonged to China”; “As people of the same race, Chinese and Taiwanese should live under one nation”; “Taiwan’s estrangement from China is a betrayal of its ancestral forefathers.” This theoretical propaganda is China’s only court for opposition of Taiwan independence.
According to socialists’ nation theory, the nation is defined by economic boundaries: a group of people tightly linked by the same economic bonds. Thus, China’s suppositional reasons are no basis at all for its stance. According to capitalists’ nation theory, each nation has a right to self-determination. This is why after World War II, so many third-world nations declared independence. Therefore, the Taiwan people, of the their own right and capacity, should be allowed to declare and build their own country.
The green movement is not restricted within a single nation; we use an ecological world- view to protect the earth. Besides environmental protection and justice, our political goals are: to build a Taiwan country within its ecological circle; opposition to military confrontation; the forwarding of world peace; etc. Therefore, in March 1996, during the Chinese military exercises, the Green Party Taiwan organized a small unarmed fleet of ships to enter the military exercise zone to protest China’s military threats. Of the same token, during Hong Kong’s return to China, we come here under the threat of being arrested and expelled by the Chinese government to express the Taiwanese people’s determination to build their own country in the face of China’s military threats.
Besides environmental protection and other social movements, Taiwan green movement activists also work for Taiwan’s nation-country building process. We will use a plebiscite to express the Taiwanese people’s determination for Taiwan independence and use our green network to obtain international support. Therefore, in these days of Hong Kong’s hand-over to the Chinese government, we are here in Hong Kong to express Taiwan’s determination for independence to the Chinese government and the international media.
Green Party Taiwan
Green Taiwan Foundation
June 30, 1997
綠 黨 ( Green Party Taiwan )
電話: (02) 362-1362, 傳真:(02) 362-1361, E-Mail: gptaiwan@ms10.hinet.net
地址: 台北市羅斯福路三段281號十樓